Originally created as a proof of concept for a high-budget webseries, IMPERSONATOR tells the story of two Elvis impersonators— their motivations and love for the man that Elvis was. Annabel Newland, a longtime collaborator of mine, as well as Adrian Oliver and Ruby Langsworth all aided in conceptualising this piece with me.

We wanted to make a high quality documentary that could serve as a way of telling interesting and unique stories with an artistic flair. Everything from the lighting to the set design was meticulously crafted to match the personalities of the talent as well as the themes of the short. While we have ideas of exploring this concept further (possibly with David Bowie impersonators), no concrete plans have been set for production.

It was shot on Sony FS5 MK2s and a variety of Tamron/Sony Zoom lenses. Full credits can be found at the end of the video.